Soya Excel, leaders in soybean processing since 1998.
Our productsWelcome to Soya Excel
Leaders in soybean processingAs your local agricultural processor, we at Soya Excel produce our famous TRITURO soybean meal and soybean oil. Our products meet the highest standards of animal nutrition so we can ensure your nutritional program’s optimal performance.
Soya Excel devotes itself exclusively to mechanically processing (without chemicals) soybeans into TRITURO soybean meal and soybean oil. Our expertise is at the heart of our consistent, high quality products.
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TRITURO soybean meal is a complete source of 100% plant-based food protein. It requires no additional fats, is chemical free and – for our certified organic and non-GMO products – GMO free.
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Applied to both organic and conventional products, impeccable traceability means we know the source of our products and work to guarantee safety and hygiene standards.
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The quality and availability of our products as well our friendly, efficient service tailored to every client’s unique needs are the very heart of our company.
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Satisfied Customers
From across North America
“We’ve been using Soya Excel’s TRITURO soybean meal for years; it’s a quality product and optimizes our feed recipes. Soya Excel is an important provider for us and their service is excellent.”
Les Entreprises Avicoles St-Gabriel enr., feed producer for poultry companies

“We’ve been using Blackexcel equine soybean oil with our Percheron horses for a number of years. We stopped using it for a couple of weeks and when we started again, we rediscovered its qualities that we had taken for granted – our horses have lustrous coats as well as tons of energy and endurance. We’ll never stop using it and we recommend it to all horse owners.”